• To move the palette, position the pointer on the gray bar at the top of the palette and drag it to a new position.
• To display the palette, choose Show Tools from the Window submenu (View menu). To hide the palette, choose Show Tools again, or click the close box at the top of the tool palette. The palette is displayed when Show Tools is checked.
Hand Tool
Drag slowly across the active document until the document is positioned where you want it.
Arc Tool
Drag to draw an arc. Shift-drag to draw a segment of a circle.
Arrow Tool
Click to select objects using the Arrow tool. Drag to select text in a text entry box or in a data window.
Magnifying Glass Tool
Click repeatedly to magnify part of a document. Option-click repeatedly to zoom out from a magnified view.
Text Tool
Click where you want to place a text object in the graph window. The text entry box appears where you can enter text.
Line Tool
Drag to draw a line. Shift-drag to draw a horizontal, vertical, or 45-degree line.
Rounded Rectangle Tool
Drag to draw a rectangle with rounded corners. Shift-drag to draw a square with rounded corners.
Rectangle Tool
Drag to draw a rectangle. Shift-drag to draw a square.
Diamond Tool
Drag to draw a diamond. Shift-drag to draw a diamond with equal sides and angles.
Ellipse Tool
Drag to draw an ellipse. Shift-drag to draw a circle.
Polygon Tool
Click to create each point of a polygon, then double-click to complete an open polygon or click the first point you created to close the polygon.
Pen Tool
Drag to create path segments with direction lines.